Online Branding
Online branding is key to a successful and long-term business on the web.
What impression does your business leave with Customers and Prospects? What do they think of you? Branding defines you in the best possible light which is how Customers will remember you. At times we get a somewhat glazed look from Clients when we start talking about Marketing and Branding in the same sentence. What does branding have to do with marketing? The answer is EVERYTHING.
Let’s start by defining ‘Branding.’ According to the American Marketing Association a BRAND may consist of the company’s name, logo, tag line, motto, color palette and design. At the end of the day your Brand is the impression left in the mind of your Clients, Customers and Prospects after they discover you. Some of that impression is controllable, some of it is not.
A good branding strategy paints your company honestly and positively. A good strategy leaves your ‘significant others’ in business wanting more and happy to be associated with your company. GOMarketing starts with a review of your current brand. Sometimes the brand is fine, sometimes it is troubled, and most times it is not well defined.

Branding Services Include
Review your Brand
Improve your Brand
Build your Brand
Online Branding Strategy & Design
Branding Process
From the initial review, we come up with a strategy to maintain, improve, or define your brand as needed. The process is ongoing and it MUST evolve over time. GOMarketing will have a ringside seat to monitor your brand while we are marketing your business; from there we can adjust as needed to power your image and professionalism to new heights.