Sometimes, we just need to see things spelled out for us, plainly and simply.
That being the case, here are what we believe are the five parts that, together, work to give you great search engine optimization “juice” for your business. That is, do these five things and you’re sure to get a lot more traffic to your website.
1) Keyword research is….key. Without good keywords — keywords that aren’t used too much by your competitors but which are used by your target market — all your work to bring traffic will be for naught. You need a) keywords your potential customers use to search for your products and services and b) you need “niche” keywords that get a decent amount of traffic but which aren’t used too much by your competitors.
2) Watch that video! Seriously. Watch it. Video marketing is growing in popularity. Most people who visit your site will watch a video you imbed there. Why? Because for the most part videos are more entertaining and give out information more quickly than reading content.
3) Still, don’t forget your ABCs — as in get the alphabet out there about your company in the form of article marketing! Submit articles you write to the free online article directories (especially EzineArticles), with a great resource/author’s information box at the end with a link to your site, or a landing page on your site, and you’ve just given yourself a free and evergreen marketing tool. Yes, the results won’t be instant. Yes, you’ll need to actually write and write consistently (aim to submit an article at least five times a week for a month and then once or twice a week for the next two months — then weekly after that). Yet article marketing works in two ways. 1) Those how publish online magazines, etc. will pick up your article thus exposing your services to their list. 2) Place your good keywords in those articles and you’ll find that your articles themselves come up in search engine results.
4) Tweet and then tweet some more. Social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, etc. will help you gain local followers and supporters of your business. Create a professional “page” on Facebook and profile on Twitter and start participating in and creating conversations. Aim to create online relationships. Don’t worry, the sales will come.
5) Back to writing! Set up a blog on your website and start writing. You can rework some of your articles if you like, but try to write original blog posts about your service or product. Offer advice. Instructions. Content of value, etc. Put a little personal info on there, but not too much. Keep your blog focused on serving the needs of your constituents — your target market.
Let perform steps 1-5 for you. We can set up your blog (and even write it for you). We’ll get you going with Twitter and Facebook. We’ll research the best keywords for you to use. We can even write and distribute articles for you. We can do it all, or just get you started — whatever you decide. Just decide to contact us today!