Have you started an e-mail marketing campaign for your business yet? One of the most direct of direct marketing techniques, e-mail marketing allows you to talk intimately with potential, current and past customers. E-mail marketing is so effective in part because the people who receive your missives asked to do so. They therefore are more likely to actually read and respond to what you send them.
E-mail marketing is inexpensive and quite effective. You also may see that people not on your e-mail list start receiving your messages because your recipients will forward your special offers, sales notices, etc. to their friends and family members.
One tip: don’t crowd your e-mail message with too many offerings. Instead, send information about just one product or service. Or send an e-mail that just announces a special sale. Don’t ask your recipients to wade through your message to get to something in which they’re really interested. One topic per e-mail is a good rule of thumb to follow.
Another tip: You might also want to include a special offer for e-mail recipients only. Send them a special code that they can then place in a box on your website to receive a free gift, a chance to win a prize, or to receive a free report or sample of your product.
E-mail marketing now is branching out into text message marketing, allowing companies to send special offers and announcements directly to a prospect’s cell phone or smartphone. Present a special offer on your website to visitors who give you their cell phone number. You can then send information about sales and special events/offerings directly to your customers and target audience. Text message marketing is quite effective; text messages are almost always read by recipients! Those who receive text messages also are more liable to answer surveys and use coupons sent to their phones.
More and more people are using smartphones today, so for best results you’ll want to start crafting e-mail campaigns that look good on a smartphone’s small screen. Keep your message brief and be certain to have an obvious and clear call to action.
Keep in mind that e-mail marketing’s main purpose is to create a relationship with your prospects. You’ve invited them to accept your e-mail or text message and they’ve accepted, one-on-one, one at a time. E-mail marketing is a wonderful way to really get to know your prospective customers, and to allow them to feel that they really “know” you.
Considering starting an e-mail or text-message marketing campaign? Contact GoiMarketing.com. We’ll create and implement an affordable and effective campaign based on your exact needs, challenges and goals. We look forward to hearing from you.