Dr. Alexandra Chaux introduces the European Sensation: Hypopresive Method as the first Doctor of Physical Therapy Certified by Dr. Caufriez in Europe.
This Method to get a beautiful flat tummy also has amazing health effects for practitioners.
The Hypopresive (aka Hipopressive) techniques were created by a Doctor of Science and Movement specializing in physical rehabilitation. Dr. Marcel Caufriez discovered through his dedication to pelvic floor reeducation that traditional abdominal exercises after pregnancy increased the incidence of urinary incontinence, Diastasis Recti, Prolepses, etc.
The Hipopressives exercises pull back in place those organs that have being pushed down because excess of abdominal pressure reducing the risk of organs prolapsed. The exercises also release the diaphragm below the lungs that grows rigid with body stress and age. A relaxed diaphragm improves breathing, and allows the internal organs to move upwards back to their original locations of youth, the wonderful side effect is a beautiful flat tummy without one sit-up.
Dr Alexandra Chaux was recently featured on Univision Television demonstrating the new technique to millions of viewers nationwide. See the Video
“I am honored to be the first Doctor of Physical Therapy in the United States to be using these techniques both with Patients and Group Class Clients!”, said Dr. Chaux. “The response and the results have been amazing.”
Dr. Chaux gives classes in Thousand Oaks California every week. Interested parties can sign up on her website: http://www.FullSpectrumPT.com. She is also available for Interviews and Demonstrations. Contact her at 310-349-6584 for interviews or to sign up for her classes in California or online via Skype.
Benefits of Hypopresive Method
- Reduce waist perimeter
- Reduce back pain
- Improve sexual function
- Improve fitness performance
- Prevent urinary incontinence
- Recover pelvic floor and abdominal muscle strength after pregnancy
- Improve lung capacity
- Improve posture and balance
- Prevent organs prolapsed
1. Reduce Waist Perimeter :The hipopressives contract the abdominal muscle involuntarily. These exercises make the tummy to look flat without effort and during a relaxed posture.
2. Reduce Back Pain: The Hipopressive exercises decompress the vertebra joint thereby reducing sciatic pain and lumbagos.
3. Improve Sexual Function: Improve circulation and sensation in the genital area due to less pressure.
4. Improve Fitness Performance: The Increase in hemoglobin levels and the lung capacity created by the Hipopressive exercises generate an increase in fitness performance.
5. Prevent Urinary Incontinence: Enhance the strength of the pelvic floor muscle and put back in place the organs responsible of adding pressure to the bladder which produce urinary incontinence.
6. Prevent Hernias: Hipopressives reduce the intra-abdominal pressure and generate a lumbo-pelvic protection.
7. Improve lung Capacity: Increasing the oxygen level in the lungs are necessary for a faster recovery after working out, and for energy conservation during long physical activities avoiding getting fatigue quickly.
8. Improve posture and balance: Correct muscle imbalances by reducing the muscle tone of tight muscles, and restoring the muscle tone of weak muscles.
9. Prevent Organs Prolapse
There is just one health professional in the USA: Dr. Alexandra Chaux, DPT. Dr. Chaux is a doctor of physical therapy in California and she went to Spain in January 2014 to get certified specifically to help her patients with abdominal and pelvic issues. The results a have been outstanding for her Clients and Students.
Dr. Chaux gives classes in Thousand Oaks California every week. Interested parties can sign up on her website: http://www.FullSpectrumPT.com. She is also available for Interviews and Demonstrations. Contact her at 310-349-6584 for interviews or to sign up for her classes in California or online via Skype.
(Hypopressive Abdominal gymnastics is a certification given exclusively to doctors, and physical therapists in Spain.)
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Founder of GoMarketing and RealtyTech Inc., Richard Uzelac is an Emmy award-winning graphics producer, former Director of Realtor.com, and sits on several boards of directors. Richard Uzelac’s GoMarketing works with Corporations and Small Businesses to generate exposure, sales and improve online reputation. Mr. Richard Uzelac is also available as a Technology Speaker, Seminar Provider and Business Consultant. For more information, contact Richard Uzelac at 805.413.7893.