If you’ve been doing any research on SEO at all, you may have heard the terms “white hat” and black hat” SEO bandied about and wondered what they mean.
Simply put, “white hat” SEO are techniques, methods and strategies that follow search engines’ policies and rules. “Black hat” SEO are techniques that try — often with some success — to get “around” these rules and policies and therefore rise higher in the results of a search engine search.
Black hat SEO companies work hard to “stay ahead of” Google and other search engines. But Google always “finds” them and either bans the sites or otherwise puts the kabosh on their activities.
SEO experts consider white hat SEO to be the best way to get your site to achieve high rankings. Not only is it “honest,” but white hat tactics tend to produce results that last a long time.
White hat SEO basically uses meta tags, keywords, web design and crawler-friendly pages to accomplish its work.
In more detail, white hat SEO:
offers site visitors unique, informative content, content that educates or otherwise helps solve a problem for those who visit the page. Duplicate content is not recommended.
doesn’t keyword stuff (have a lot of keywords jammed into one page).
provides visitors with a site that has good internal links, thus making it easier for search “spiders” to find your page.
engages with visitors via blogs, articles, news releases and forum participation
If you’re ready to have your website created or revamped using only the whitest of white hat SEO, contact GoiMarketing.com. We can optimize your business’ site so that 1) it will rank high in search engine results and 2) will bring you great leads as a result. Contact us today.