Online marketing does bring you a terrific return on investment. In fact using such affordable marketing tactics as website optimization, article marketing, social media marketing, etc., guarantees that your message will be online forever.
Ads in newspapers, magazines, etc. last just as long as the amount of time you paid for them to run. Run an ad in a newspaper on Sunday and it’s gone by Monday.
Still, there is value in offline marketing. Here are a few:
Newspapers know they’re getting hit hard by online marketing so in an effort to keep apace, they’re lowering their ad rates. If you decide to place ads in a newspaper, place tracking codes on them to see which are most effective (you’ll need to ask new customers how they heard of you, of course; or you could require that they clip the ad and present it to you for a special offer). Consider placing an ad in the classified section — serious buyers check the classifieds. Be sure to have a URL in the ad that points to a specific page on your site. And don’t forget to ask your sales rep for reduced ad rates.
Placing an ad in a glossy magazine adds considerable credibility to your business. You may want to place several smaller ads in smaller publications instead of blowing your budget on a large ad in one magazine. In fact you might want to think about running a lower-priced ad in the classified sections of several publications, especially if your product or service is geared to the budget-conscious. Your product is deemed “more frugal” in the classifieds than it would be in a display ad. If you’re selling a luxury product, opt for the display ad. Don’t be afraid to tout your ad on your website: “As seen in Such and Such Magazine.”
Television can be a terrific way to get people to go to your landing or sales page. Be sure to stay away from prime time — way too expensive. If you’re going to advertise in several markets, you may want to consider signing on with a media buying service; these often buy unsold ad time for pennies on the dollars
Billboards aren’t as effective as you may believe. But if your billboard is in a good location, such as near an exit or, better yet, near the exit to get to your business (“Two miles on the right!”), they can be helpful. Aim to keep your ad’s message to no more than five words and use one large graphic.
Did you notice that most of the “traditional” media ideas above are good for referencing people “back” to your website? A good website is essential to your business’ success. When you want a great website, contact Websites are what we do, and we’d love to create one for you that brings you new business. Contact us today!