Have you harnessed the power of video marketing to market your business? No?
Well, if you’re still on the fence, here are nine reasons why you should add video to your marketing arsenal.
1) Place the right keywords in the form YouTube.com provides when you upload your video and you’ll find that people interested in what you have to sell will view it. How so? Because Google loves video as much (and sometimes even more) as it loves pages with written content.
2) Once people arrive at your video, they’re more likely to “convert.” That is, they’re more likely to click a link to your site, or go to the page to which you direct them to sign up for your newsletter, etc.
3) Videos are extremely cost effective. Do you already have a video camera at home? You have an Internet connection, yes? Then you need spend nothing more to create videos! Turn your video on today, download it to you YouTube and place it on your business website tonight. It truly can be that fast.
4) You also don’t even need to have a video camera to create a video. Do you have pictures on your hard drive? Even if you don’t you can purchase some from iStockPhoto or some other photo-buying site that are evocative of your service or product and, with the help of Windows Movie Maker (for example), you can create a slide-show video.
5) You can make as many videos as you like and place them on YouTube and other free video-sharing sites. Create a YouTube “channel” for your business, too! Make and upload dozens of videos to your channel and you, too, can become a television “station” owner, a station that brings you new customers 24 hours a day, every day of the week.
6) No matter what service or product you sell, you can create a video. Do you sell landscaping services? Put together a video about how to remove a large bush or tree. Or how to trim a lawn properly. What types of plants work best in your region depending on how much sunlight they receive?
Or are you a plumber? Make videos that show people how to fix a leaky toilet or spigot, or how to replace their old toilet with a new one.
You’ll soon become known as an expert in your field. People love to hire experts!
7) Video marketing is easily measured. You’ll be able to see how many people watched your video and you’ll be able to see how many of them clicked on your links and visited your website as a result.
8) You, and you alone, control your message.
9) Search engine crawlers love videos. Google, especially, owner of YouTube, has started ranking videos just as it does “regular” Web pages (those with standard — written — content). Which means your video well could rank higher than a written page optimized for the same keywords. In fact, YouTube in many circles is considered to be the number two search engine (behind Google itself).
Is your business ready for its close-up? If so, give GoiMarketing.com call. We can help you produce affordable and engaging videos that will help get your website buzzing with new visitors! Contact us today.