If you’ve decide to go ahead with a pay-per-click campaign (see last week’s posts), here are some tips on how to do so.
1) Establish your budget and how long you’re going to run your campaign. You’ll also need to decide which PPC service you’re going to go with. Will you just be bidding with Google, or will you use Yahoo!, MSN and/or another search engine service? You may want to check where your top competitors are bidding and bid there, too.
2) Build your keywords list using a keyword research tool such as Google’s.
3) Be sure to use keyword variations. You may find some great niche keywords that your competitors are not, niche keywords that will bring you a good amount of traffic without sending your budget through the roof and beyond.
4) Track, track and track some more. See where you’re getting the most traffic for your buck. Track which keywords are bringing you the most visitors who click and convert. Tweak your campaign as needed.
In fact, it’s vitally important that you choose search terms that attract the best sales prospects, which may or may not be the terms that bring you the most traffic.
As you choose your keywords, aim to be as specific and focused as possible. You’ll find that the starting bid for a top term is much higher than your budget can afford, but you can receive terrific results — possibly even better results — using niche specific keywords.
5) Keep your keywords simple. Let’s say you sell hiking boots. When people search for boots, do you think they type “purchase hiking boots”? They do, but they far more often use a simple term such as “buy hiking boots.”
6) Again and again — we really can’t stress this enough — tweak your campaign to focus on those keywords that bring you results. Track your customers from the keywords they used to find your site to when they actually purchase. Those are the customers you want. What search terms are they using? Aim to use those keywords.