Real Estate Agents have a lot of competition online. In California’s San Fernando Valley Real Estate Market, over 15,000 agents ply the streets. About 60% of them, 9,000, have websites, and about 5% of those around 450 are engaged in online marketing. All of these California Real Estate Agents want top placing on Google, Yahoo and MSN. Alas, only ten of them can make it to page one at any one time.
How do San Fernando Valley Real Estate Agents and Offices beat the odds? It’s simple, the winners pick a small area or one or at the most two cities and market to those areas online.
While most agents like to say they sell ‘the entire valley,’ the smart agents specialize in that one area and optimize their sites, or have their websites optimized by GOiMarketing to beat the odds.
So if you want to win online in real estate anywhere in the nation, it is best to pick just one or two realatively small areas that you know well and optimize for them. Agents can still sell in other areas, but for online success, the committed specialists fair the best.